
He had seen her in the flower shop, and had been captivated. Immediately, his reason for being in the flower shop no longer mattered to him, nor did the vibrant flowers clutched in his hand. All he knew in that moment was that he needed to approach her.

A perfect stranger, with a slightly tilted sunhat and curly locks of brown hair. She was dressed inconspicuously, and yet had such an aura around her than people would still be compelled to look. The soft fragrance of her perfume, paired with her exquisite appearance, turned that aura incredibly sweet. So sweet, actually, that it was almost sickening. Like the dangerous allure surrounding an exotic carnivorous plant, a suffocatingly alluring purple fog. And she had captured yet another stray bug into her trap.

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Beauty and the Beast?

Adrian didn’t like middle school very much. The enormous blotchy birthmark, running down the left side of his face like some kind of blistering dark scar, certainly didn’t help his situation.

That guy. Panda. Black-eye. Beast. Though they manifested themselves in different ways, the gathered negativity of the student body always seemed to center around him. Once, on the road back home, Adrian caught a glimpse of a puddle filled with dried autumn leaves. Most were clustered together, but there was a single leaf that was caught in the whirlpool of the drain, swirling about alone, aimlessly, and without rest. Adrian felt that this basically summed up his daily school life.

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       Marlene wasn’t getting any sleep. She had tried therapeutic yoga positions, and when that hadn’t worked, resorted to sleeping pills. However, today was her fifth day in a row of chronic insomnia, and she was starting to become aware of the fact that she was taking many more doses than the recommended amount.

       As such, she dragged her weary body beneath the stiff hotel sheets, knowing that she wouldn’t get a wink of sleep. As Marlene stared up at the gloomy ceiling, she began wondering if it would be best to confront the problem at its source. Because, part of the problem was that whenever she closed her eyes, a vivid image of him would show up in full color, and her eyelids would snap right back open.

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One Shot

“Agent oh-four?”

“Yes, sir.”

That was his name, and so he stepped forward. But when he raised his gun to the struggling individual, for the first time, his finger hesitated above the trigger.

Things were different, this time. Instead of a straw-stuffed dummy, a real person lay in his line of fire. A real, human life. 

He couldn’t do it after all.


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I stare at the embers of my childhood, 
where emotions surged, where memories stood. 
The laughs of joy, the sun on my face, 
Charging down a beach for a race. 
The voices of my friends, beginning to tire, 
Huddled at night around a campfire. 
The beeps of my game, another victory, 
Yelling in triumph under the shade of a tree. 
I stare at the embers of my childhood, 
where emotions surged, where memories stood. 

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A NetGalley reviewer

A 5-star rating!

I honestly really enjoyed this book. I think it was fantastic and wonderful read. Donnelius is such a lovable main character and I really enjoyed following him throughout the story. His adventure is packed with so many action moments that absolutely make this storyline even better. I also would say that the interactions between the characters are also so intriguing.

I think the author did a fantastic job with this and I honestly can’t wait to read more from him. I would highly recommend this to teenagers and even adults. If you love action packed stories, then I would really suggest you give this a try. It really was a wonderful experience and time. Super grateful to have read this. I only wished I read the physical copy or had one so I could also share it on my bookstagram. Regardless, I loved this story!

Andy C. Ng


Andy Ng has published his poems and short stories in a series of writer’s magazines and has just completed his debut novel, which reached the semifinalist stage in the University of New Orleans Publishing Laboratory contest.

What does a high-schooler do when he’s not playing video games? If that said high-schooler happens to be me, then he quite enjoys the hobby of making up imaginary scenarios in his head. I often find myself thinking up fantasy-superpower characters and settings in my imagination, where I can play out elaborate scenes that make me feel like I’m in the midst of an adrenaline-filled battle.

However, whether in the form of sketching or writing, pulling those kinds of ideas out of your head takes effort, especially so when you have to create a story fully contained within itself, without that story spilling out into a saga spanning across thousands of pages. But even so, I still wanted to share at least something with the world outside my mind. That’s why I created my debut novel: The Everyday Occurrences of a Stranded God, a magical fantasy novel.

Writing this book was a pretty huge endeavor that took a lot of time and effort, whether it was during vacations, breaks, or just between homework sessions. The whole project took just over a year and a half in total, so I doubt I’ll write a large series or anything in the foreseeable future.

If we’re just talking about another one or two, though… well, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

Page 5

I awoke to a horrible smell, something truly sickening.

Groggily looking around, I saw that my body was submerged in a pile of rotting filth. Dragging myself out from underneath, I stumbled onto solid ground, trying to get a sense of my surroundings.

It looked like I was in a thin alleyway, the sides of which were filled with whatever garbage I had just stepped out of. On one end of the alley, I could see a bright light, spilling into the darkened path I was in.

Teleportation magic? It was a futile attempt at stalling me. I’d expected something flashier, something more entertaining.

Maybe I’d do a little more than just maroon them in a tundra, considering they’d just dumped me of all people into a heap of trash. Raising my arms, I prepared to warp myself back to my previous position.

“O High Powers, grant me your strength. Grace my body with your light, and deliver me to my destination. Spatial Reposition!”

A warm white light basked my body for a second, before promptly disappearing.

What? My eye twitched.

It appeared as though those crafty mages had performed an Area Lock. As in, their magic bound me to this specific location for a limited amount of time, effectively cancelling my teleportation spell. At this revelation, I released a hard breath. There has to be a limit on how much these humans can piss me off.

Turning towards the exit, I cooled down. There wasn’t any sense in getting mad now. I’d just wait out my time in wherever they sent me and wreak mayhem on them all later.

Though, first of all, where even am I? I had already tried casting observation magic to find out more about my surroundings, but apparently the Area Lock had disabled that too. I’d have to resort to just asking the humans, then.

Stepping over to the mouth of the alley, I looked around at what kind of place I was in. A large bridge made of some grey material towered high above me on the left, while in front was a plaza that seemed to be constructed of the same material. In the distance, groups of humans walked about, minding their lives.

I narrowed my eyes. Although everything looked normal, something just seemed off, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was. Just then, a woman happened to step right in front of where I was standing. Ah, perfect.

Walking out in front of her, I held out my arm. “Could I have a moment, please?”

The young woman froze, startled, then turned to face me. She looked surprised, a little scared even. And, yet… she isn’t kneeling.

I raised an eyebrow. Wasn’t it common sense that if you were a normal human you should kneel, or at least bow, to show respect towards a high-leveled magic caster? And even if she couldn’t immediately understand my status, she should have at least recognized me as a person with blue hair, a sign of high magic potential. So, it was definitely strange that this mature-looking woman didn’t even attempt to present herself appropriately. Interesting.

The woman opened her mouth and attempted to say something, but all I could hear was a garbled mess. Ah, right.

I closed my eyes for a second. “Decipher.”

Suddenly, the words of the woman became clear. “… what you’re saying.”

“I apologize for that,” I said, furrowing my brows. Hadn’t I already learned every dialect in the five kingdoms? Those mages must have cast me somewhere really far away.

The woman’s look turned to one of confusion. “Wait, no. I can understand you.” She paused. “But a second ago, I swear I heard…”

I continued. “Would you mind pointing me towards the nearest message guild?”

She hesitated for a second, before responding in a nervous voice. “Sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“What do you mean, you don’t know?” I responded irritably, and the woman flinched back.

Page 4

Five robed men were forcibly shoved in front of me by their own comrades. Three of them were holding wooden staffs, while the other two were barehanded. They all seemed to be high-leveled magic casters, fully dressed in proper robes and topped off with a head of blue hair.

I looked them over, furrowing my brows. In any other situation, these men seemed to be the kind to look down on people, the kind to abuse their own strength. Well, not much different from what I’m doing right now, but whatever.

They stood in a semicircle facing me, and four of them started raising their arms, no doubt attempting to summon another flashy, destructive attack like Razing Energy. But as they prepared to launch their attack, the one remaining wizard seemed to come up with an idea. Hurriedly explaining to the other four, they looked like they had reached an agreement. This time, they formed a small ring, all of their hands reaching in.

“O High Powers, grant us your strength. Allow us to channel this energy, and command it to do our bidding!”

A collective attack? I raised an eyebrow. If these men truly were the strongest mages in all the five kingdoms, I might have to watch out.

My clothes could even get a little dirty.

Magic runes appeared above the five men, turning clockwise faster and faster. A huge white ball appeared on top, gradually increasing in size. I could see the army behind them look on in awe, the faintest glimmer of hope appearing in their eyes. These were the most powerful mages they had even seen. Besides me, of course.

The men finished their chanting “Come forth!”

I spread my arms out wide and deactivated my automatic Magic Shield, ready to accept any attack they could throw at me.

“Dimensional Warp!”

And then a beam of light burst out from the radiantly glowing sphere, and everything went white.