
I stare at the embers of my childhood, 
where emotions surged, where memories stood. 
The laughs of joy, the sun on my face, 
Charging down a beach for a race. 
The voices of my friends, beginning to tire, 
Huddled at night around a campfire. 
The beeps of my game, another victory, 
Yelling in triumph under the shade of a tree. 
I stare at the embers of my childhood, 
where emotions surged, where memories stood. 

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A NetGalley reviewer

A 5-star rating!

I honestly really enjoyed this book. I think it was fantastic and wonderful read. Donnelius is such a lovable main character and I really enjoyed following him throughout the story. His adventure is packed with so many action moments that absolutely make this storyline even better. I also would say that the interactions between the characters are also so intriguing.

I think the author did a fantastic job with this and I honestly can’t wait to read more from him. I would highly recommend this to teenagers and even adults. If you love action packed stories, then I would really suggest you give this a try. It really was a wonderful experience and time. Super grateful to have read this. I only wished I read the physical copy or had one so I could also share it on my bookstagram. Regardless, I loved this story!

Andy C. Ng


Andy Ng has published his poems and short stories in a series of writer’s magazines and has just completed his debut novel, which reached the semifinalist stage in the University of New Orleans Publishing Laboratory contest.

What does a high-schooler do when he’s not playing video games? If that said high-schooler happens to be me, then he quite enjoys the hobby of making up imaginary scenarios in his head. I often find myself thinking up fantasy-superpower characters and settings in my imagination, where I can play out elaborate scenes that make me feel like I’m in the midst of an adrenaline-filled battle.

However, whether in the form of sketching or writing, pulling those kinds of ideas out of your head takes effort, especially so when you have to create a story fully contained within itself, without that story spilling out into a saga spanning across thousands of pages. But even so, I still wanted to share at least something with the world outside my mind. That’s why I created my debut novel: The Everyday Occurrences of a Stranded God, a magical fantasy novel.

Writing this book was a pretty huge endeavor that took a lot of time and effort, whether it was during vacations, breaks, or just between homework sessions. The whole project took just over a year and a half in total, so I doubt I’ll write a large series or anything in the foreseeable future.

If we’re just talking about another one or two, though… well, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

Page 5

I awoke to a horrible smell, something truly sickening.

Groggily looking around, I saw that my body was submerged in a pile of rotting filth. Dragging myself out from underneath, I stumbled onto solid ground, trying to get a sense of my surroundings.

It looked like I was in a thin alleyway, the sides of which were filled with whatever garbage I had just stepped out of. On one end of the alley, I could see a bright light, spilling into the darkened path I was in.

Teleportation magic? It was a futile attempt at stalling me. I’d expected something flashier, something more entertaining.

Maybe I’d do a little more than just maroon them in a tundra, considering they’d just dumped me of all people into a heap of trash. Raising my arms, I prepared to warp myself back to my previous position.

“O High Powers, grant me your strength. Grace my body with your light, and deliver me to my destination. Spatial Reposition!”

A warm white light basked my body for a second, before promptly disappearing.

What? My eye twitched.

It appeared as though those crafty mages had performed an Area Lock. As in, their magic bound me to this specific location for a limited amount of time, effectively cancelling my teleportation spell. At this revelation, I released a hard breath. There has to be a limit on how much these humans can piss me off.

Turning towards the exit, I cooled down. There wasn’t any sense in getting mad now. I’d just wait out my time in wherever they sent me and wreak mayhem on them all later.

Though, first of all, where even am I? I had already tried casting observation magic to find out more about my surroundings, but apparently the Area Lock had disabled that too. I’d have to resort to just asking the humans, then.

Stepping over to the mouth of the alley, I looked around at what kind of place I was in. A large bridge made of some grey material towered high above me on the left, while in front was a plaza that seemed to be constructed of the same material. In the distance, groups of humans walked about, minding their lives.

I narrowed my eyes. Although everything looked normal, something just seemed off, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was. Just then, a woman happened to step right in front of where I was standing. Ah, perfect.

Walking out in front of her, I held out my arm. “Could I have a moment, please?”

The young woman froze, startled, then turned to face me. She looked surprised, a little scared even. And, yet… she isn’t kneeling.

I raised an eyebrow. Wasn’t it common sense that if you were a normal human you should kneel, or at least bow, to show respect towards a high-leveled magic caster? And even if she couldn’t immediately understand my status, she should have at least recognized me as a person with blue hair, a sign of high magic potential. So, it was definitely strange that this mature-looking woman didn’t even attempt to present herself appropriately. Interesting.

The woman opened her mouth and attempted to say something, but all I could hear was a garbled mess. Ah, right.

I closed my eyes for a second. “Decipher.”

Suddenly, the words of the woman became clear. “… what you’re saying.”

“I apologize for that,” I said, furrowing my brows. Hadn’t I already learned every dialect in the five kingdoms? Those mages must have cast me somewhere really far away.

The woman’s look turned to one of confusion. “Wait, no. I can understand you.” She paused. “But a second ago, I swear I heard…”

I continued. “Would you mind pointing me towards the nearest message guild?”

She hesitated for a second, before responding in a nervous voice. “Sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“What do you mean, you don’t know?” I responded irritably, and the woman flinched back.

Page 4

Five robed men were forcibly shoved in front of me by their own comrades. Three of them were holding wooden staffs, while the other two were barehanded. They all seemed to be high-leveled magic casters, fully dressed in proper robes and topped off with a head of blue hair.

I looked them over, furrowing my brows. In any other situation, these men seemed to be the kind to look down on people, the kind to abuse their own strength. Well, not much different from what I’m doing right now, but whatever.

They stood in a semicircle facing me, and four of them started raising their arms, no doubt attempting to summon another flashy, destructive attack like Razing Energy. But as they prepared to launch their attack, the one remaining wizard seemed to come up with an idea. Hurriedly explaining to the other four, they looked like they had reached an agreement. This time, they formed a small ring, all of their hands reaching in.

“O High Powers, grant us your strength. Allow us to channel this energy, and command it to do our bidding!”

A collective attack? I raised an eyebrow. If these men truly were the strongest mages in all the five kingdoms, I might have to watch out.

My clothes could even get a little dirty.

Magic runes appeared above the five men, turning clockwise faster and faster. A huge white ball appeared on top, gradually increasing in size. I could see the army behind them look on in awe, the faintest glimmer of hope appearing in their eyes. These were the most powerful mages they had even seen. Besides me, of course.

The men finished their chanting “Come forth!”

I spread my arms out wide and deactivated my automatic Magic Shield, ready to accept any attack they could throw at me.

“Dimensional Warp!”

And then a beam of light burst out from the radiantly glowing sphere, and everything went white.

Page 3

The man’s face turned to one of pure terror, before he turned and quickly stumbled off into the rest of his fleeing army. This response was reasonable, I guess. I bet he’d never seen anything that could survive the Royal Infantry’s assault, much less toy around with it.

Even so… I gazed at the scene in front of me and sighed. My original plan was to have a bit of fun messing with the army, then to knock them all out and send them into the middle of a snowy plain buck naked. Right now, though, they were all just running away. No fun in that.

“Volcanic Gate.”

A pillar of reddish-black fire erupted just ahead of where the end of the Royal Infantry stood, and it spread to form an impenetrable ring. The army’s frenetic movements stopped immediately, and the soldiers hopelessly moved to face me as they realized that they couldn’t escape. Even from a distance away, I could see a few men drop to their knees and sob, cradling their heads.

“Come on. Isn’t the Royal Infantry supposed to be the top of the top? The kingdoms’ final weapon?” I sighed again, louder this time so that I could be heard properly. “I mean, this isn’t even a challenge. It’s nothing more than a disappointment.”

The army stood frozen, as if they didn’t know what to do to appease me, what they could do to keep their lives. There was nothing they could possibly do against such a devastating, overwhelming power.

“Tell you what.” I floated down to where the army stood, petrified in place. “Since you’re all being such spoilsports, I’ll let you get a free hit in on me. Alright?”

As no one responded, I decided I had to move things along myself. “Who’s the most powerful magic user you have here?” I paused. “Actually, I’ll be lenient. Who are the five strongest mages you have? I’ll take your attacks, without defending myself at all.”

It would be interesting to see if they could cause me to feel even a little pain.

Page 2

I’d start out with a bit of a weaker attack, just to toy with them a little. Maybe something along the lines of a Tier 7 spell. “O High Powers, grant me your strength. Drag the darkness of the boundless abyss from the heavens down to me, and unleash a deluge of shadows onto my enemies. Come forth, Tidal Oblivion!”

At my words, a flood of translucent blackness rolled out from behind the hill, covering the landscape and washing over a corner of the army. As the wave of dark faded away, there was a moment of tension, or maybe anticipation. Either way, a moment later, the entire section of the army fell to the ground unmoving.

To me, there’s always that one special second of a battle which makes fighting regular humans so amusing. That instant where the enemy first begins to comprehend just how large the difference in power is, where reality finally begins to set in for them. It’s when a person acknowledges just how insurmountable the gap in strength is between the two parties, and finally gives in to their most primal instincts, falling deep into the grasps of despair.

A frenzied cacophony of screams rang out, and soldiers started clambering over one another, just to get away from me. At this, a chuckle started to leak out of my mouth, which morphed into a booming laugh that echoed across the hills. The man in charge just stared at me, as if his body had been paralyzed. How quickly his expression had changed only made me laugh harder.

“Those were nine – no, ten thousand healthy soldiers.” The words that exited his mouth were nothing more than mere whispers. “What the hell did you just do?”

“Don’t you worry about your mage friends, shorty. I didn’t kill them or anything; they’re just unconscious,” I said, giving him another wide grin. “When they’re going to wake up, though, is another question.”

The man backed away slowly, his face falling slack. “You… what kind of goddamn monster…”

“No, no, don’t say such ridiculous things. ‘Monster’ is such a harsh term, wouldn’t you agree?” I hovered above, my levitating body casting a huge shadow over his terrified body. “Yes… I’d much prefer it if you called me a god instead.”

Page 1

Chapter 1 – A Bright Light

The light wind buffeted my scarlet cape, as I appraised the tremendous army that had amassed before me. Some of the soldiers were carrying weapons, though most of them could probably kill you in about ten different ways using only their bare hands. They covered the horizon, draped across the soft curves of grass-covered hills. Five colored flags dotted the army, their contrasting colors waving in the breeze and separating the army into distinct sections. The seemingly unending sea of soldiers gave of a sense of majesty, like some kind of almighty beast with its gleaming muscles rippling. And there, in front of it all, stood a man reading from an open scroll. Dressed from head to toe in silky purple robes, he was someone who managed to look both puny and imperial at the same time.

“Donnelius Conqaide.” The man spoke in an obnoxiously elegant voice. “In the name of the five kingdoms, our rulers have unanimously decided that you are a threat to the prosperity of human civilization. You are to be put to death, by the hands of the Royal Infantry.”

If I’m being honest, I didn’t really blame them for thinking they could best me, as the Royal Infantry was a force to truly be reckoned with. It was a military force made up of thousands of the kingdoms’ elites, with enough destructive power to wipe an entire island, maybe a small state, completely off the map. It would be a reasonable assumption to think that the Royal Infantry was the world’s trump card, something that could be used as a last resort to instantly solve any major conflict.

This infantry required all five kingdoms, who were all usually on bitter terms with one another, to simultaneously acknowledge a great danger and pool all their strongest mages into one unstoppable slaughtering device. It had only ever been called together a select few times since the formation of the kingdoms, and for every instance it was used, it would shake the very bones of this planet. Just as an example, it was summoned to suppress the great Pirate Clan, or to drive off a group of seven unbelievably powerful blue-haired mages and their hordes of fanatical underlings. It would almost be unthinkable to unleash it upon a group of less than a thousand. So, naturally, never in the history of this world had it been called down to stop a single person.

That was, until now.

I narrowed my eyes. “Look, I have a whole list of things I want to do today, so we can skip the grand opening. You going to start or what?”

The man curled his lip in distaste, and seemed to give a command. Slowly, I watched as hundreds of mages raised their hands in the air. Masses of glowing white energy coalesced around their palms, and as the man with the scroll gave the order, they spoke as one.

“Razing Energy!”

Countless streams of pure white erupted out into the air, twisting and turning to lock on to a single target.

I raised a single finger. “Crystalline Barrier.”

For a second the sky was filled with nothing but a blinding light, and then it all settled down. The earth around me in a roughly half-mile radius was scorched and blackened, with thousands of tiny cracks spiderwebbing over the decimated hills, glowing orange. All but the tiny spot of earth I was currently hovering over, where a tiny patch of grass still wavered to the wind. There was complete silence on the battlefield, as smoke and embers drifted aimlessly. Thousands of men stared at me in total shock, and I just had to crack a smile. It’s always so amusing to see their first reactions.

Dropping my finger, the faceted shield in front of me dissipated into the air. Giving them a smirk, I lifted my palm so it faced the army. “Nice effort. Now… I suppose it’s my turn, isn’t it?”


Fun for a 13 year old!

I got this book for my 13 year old son. He really enjoyed it. Here is what he said.

The book is very good. I like the beginning explained how overpowered Don was and when he realized he got all his powers taken away, that he was still very strong. He even fought off the first bounty hunter Eli with his big brain. I also like how it goes into Don’s backstory of him became so angry and tyrannical. The character interactions between Don and Martha are very interesting too.